New Roundhouse kitchen for top chef

We’re delighted to have recently completed a beautiful new Roundhouse Classic bespoke kitchen for super talented chef Peter Gordon. New Zealander Peter, owner of top London eateries Providores and Kopapa is not just on his second but third(!) Roundhouse bespoke kitchen and we’d be hard pushed to find a much higher recommendation than that.peter-035 copyPeter Gordon, chef and owner of Providores and Kopapa
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It really is a chef’s kitchen, packed to the gunnels with wonderful food , cooking implements and pots and pans, so it needed plenty of clever Roundhouse bespoke storage and we made sure we used every inch of the available space.beck05 copybeck06 copy
Look out for more gorgeous pics of Peter’s kitchen later this year. You can view Peter cooking up a wonderful New Zealand lamb, olive and orange stew here;
Part 1
Part 2